Outside IR35 Calculator - Calculate Your Take-home Pay

When it comes to contractor work in the UK, the IR35 legislation can significantly affect your income, tax obligations, and the overall financial structure of your business. Contractors working outside IR35 can typically maximize their take-home pay by operating through a limited company, enjoying more flexibility and tax benefits. Our Outside IR35 Calculator helps you estimate your net income based on your contract rate, expenses, and other factors, giving you a clear view of what you can take home. What is IR35? IR35 is a tax legislation designed to combat tax avoidance by workers who supply their services through an intermediary, such as a personal service company (PSC), but would otherwise be considered employees if the intermediary didn’t exist. If you’re deemed to be inside IR35, you’re treated like an employee for tax purposes and subjected to PAYE (Pay As You Earn) tax and National Insurance contributions (NICs). On the other hand, if your contract is deemed to be ou...